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       The volume of stock trading literature both published and in internet sources is enormous and is going to grow day by day. Along with the augmentation of the money flow, along with the increase of computers capacities, along with the complication of financial instruments the trading technology becomes more intricate. And this fact, of course, is comprehended by traders-writers and is reflected in books and sites.

       Not pretending on completeness I give the list of sources of reference that I have processed searching for the Holy Grail. Something of that I just read, for example «Reminiscences of a stock operator» of E. Lefevre;  something I studied thoroughly, for example the books of Mr. Elder; I took notes of something very important, for example the works of M. Douglas and other authors. Besides, I’m going to publish my notes because I often omitted clear and venial repetitions, some passages that don’t refer to the direct sense of narration. It could be more compact material processing.

       I would like to divide all mentioned books in two parts: for beginners and for advanced readers. Without studying books for beginners one shouldn’t proceed to trade. The rest is not obligatory to be read if in a year of independent trading you observe the growth of a yield curve. However, it’s worth to return to this list if you have an adverse balance for the last two-three months or that is more probably during your initial period - your nonrecurrent loss more than 20% of the trading account.

      It is desirable to take into account that the most part of mentioned books are primary published in the 20th century. It is not that these books are out of date – no. Trade deals essentially with psychology and only marginally is connected to technique and human psychology is changeless in our short life. Life changes as a whole and markets also change.  New financial instruments appear, we can observe flows and flows out of liquidity, the list of participants change. For the last two years stock cycles are accelerated, trade is robotized, a great attention is paid to intraday trading. Unfortunately, books that take into account the last tendencies are in English and not numerous.  However, they continue to be published and I will complete and improve the list as possible. Have a good and useful time while reading, dear friends!

Appel G. Technical analysis power tools for active investors. - FT Prentice Hall, 2004

Аппель Дж. Технический анализ. Эффективные инструменты для активного инвестора. - СПб.: Питер, 2007

Blou W. Momentum, direction and divergence. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 1995

Блау У. Моментум, направленность и расхождение. - М.: Евро, 2003

Bollinger J. Bollinger on Bollinger bands. – McGraw Hill, 2001

Боллинджер Дж. Боллинджер о лентах Боллинлжера. - М.: ИК Аналитика, 2005

Carr T.K. Micro-trend trading for daily income: using intraday trading tactics to harness the power of today’s volatile markets. – McGraw Hill, 2011

Carr T.K. Trend trading for a living: learn the skills and gain the confidence to maximize your profits. – McGraw Hill, 2008

Colby R.W. The encyclopedia of technical market indicators. – McGraw Hill, 1988

Колби Р. Энциклопедия технических индикаторов рынка. М.: Альпина, 2004

Connors L.A., Raschke L.B. Street smarts. High probability short-term trading strategies. – M.Gordon publishing group, Los Angeles, California, 1995

Коннорс Л.А., Рашки Л.Б. Биржевые секреты. Высокоэффективные стратегии краткосрочной торговли. - М.: ИК Аналитика, 2002

Covel M.W. Trend following: How great traders make millions in up or down markets. – FT Press, 2009

Ковел М. Биржевая торговля по трендам. Как зарабатывать, наблюдая тенденции рынка. СПб.: Питер, 2009

Dorsey T.J. Point and figure charting. The essential application for forecasting and tracking market prices. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 1995

Douglas M. The disciplined trader. Developing winning attitudes. – New York institute of finance, 1990

Даглас М. Дисциплинированный трейдер: Бизнес-психология успеха. - М.:Евро, 2004

Douglas M. Trading in the zone. Master the market with confidence, discipline a winning attitude. – New York institute of finance, 2000

Elder A. Come into my trading room. A complete guide to trading. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 2002

Элдер А. Трейдинг с доктором Элдером. Энциклопедия биржевой игры. - М.: Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2008

Elder A. Study guide for Come into my trading room. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 2002

Elder A. Entries and exits: visits to sixteen trading rooms. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 2006

Elder A. Study guide for Entries and exits. Visits to sixteen trading rooms. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 2006

Elder A. Sell and sell short. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 2008

Elder A. Study guide for Sell and sell short. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 2008

Elder A. Trading for a living. Psychology, trading tactics, money management. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 1993

Элдер А. Как играть и выигрывать на бирже. - М.: Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2007

Elder A. Study guide for Trading for a living: psychology, trading tactics, money management. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 1993

Elder A. The new high-new low index. e-book

Elder A. Trading divergences. e-book

Farley A.S. The master swing trader toolkit. The market survival guide. – McGraw Hill, 2010

Farley A.S. The master swing trader. Tools and techniques to profit from outstanding short-term trading opportunities. – McGraw Hill, 2001

Фарлей А.С. Мастерство свинг-трейдера. Технические приемы и инструменты, необходимые для максимального использования всех возможностей прибыльной краткосрочной торговли. - М.: Евро, 2005

Farrel C.A. Day trade online. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 1999

Фаррел К.А. Дэй трейд онлайн. - М.: ИК Аналитика, 2000

Hagstrom R.G. The Warren Buffet way. Investment strategies of the world’s greatest investor. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 1997

Хагстром Р.Г. Путь Уоррена Баффета. Стратегии инвестиций величайшего в мире инвестора. - М.: Лори, 2000

Landry D. Dave Landry on swing trading. – M.Gordon publishing group, Los Angeles, California, 2003

Лэндри Д. Дэйв Лэндри о торговле на колебаниях. - М.: ИК Аналитика, 2002

Lefevre E. Reminiscences of a stock operator. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 1994

Лефевр Э. Воспоминания биржевого спекулянта. - М.: Олимп-Бизнес, 2007

Lien K. Day trading the currency market. Technical and fundamental strategies to profit from market Swings. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 2006

Лин К. Дэйтрейдинг на рынке Forex. Стратегии извлечения прибыли. - М.: Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2007

Link M. High probability trading. Take the steps to become a successful trader. – McGraw Hill, 2003

Lynch P., Rothchild J. Beating the street. – Simon&Schuster, 2008

Линч П. Переиграть Уолл-стрит. - М.:Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2005

Murphy J.J. Intermarket technical analysis. Trading strategies for the global stocks, bond, commodity and currency markets. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc.б 1994

Мэрфи Дж. Межрыночный технический анализ. Торговые стратегии для мировых рынков акций, облигаций, товаров и валют. - М.: Диаграмма, 2002

Murphy J.J. Technical analysis of the futures markets: A comprehensive guide to trading methods and applications. – New York Institute of finance. A Prentice Hall company, 1986

Мэрфи Дж. Технический анализ фьючерсных рынков: теория и практика. - М.: Диаграмма, 1998

Murphy J.J. The visual investor. How to spot market trends. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 2009

Мэрфи Дж. Визуальный инвестор. Как определять тренды. - М.: Диаграмма, 2004

O’Neil W.J. How to make money in stocks. A winning system in good times or bad. – McGraw Hill, 2002

О'Нил У. Дж. Как делать деньги на фондовом рынке. Стратегия торговли на росте и падении.

O’Neil W.J. The successful investor. What 80 million people need to know to invest profitably and avoid big losses. – McGraw Hill,  2004

О'Нил У. Дж. Преуспевающий инвестор: Что нужно знать, чтобы инвестировать с прибылью и избегать больших убытков. - М.: Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2004

Plummer T. Forecasting financial markets. The psychological dynamics of successful investing. – Kogan Page, 1998

Rogers J. A bull in China. Investing profitably in the world’s greatest market. – Random house. N.Y., 2007

Rogers J. A gift to my children. A father’s lessons for life and investing. – Random House, NY, 2009

Rogers J. Hot commodities. How anyone can invest profitably in the world’s best market. – Random house trade paperbacks, N.Y., 2007

Schwager J.D. Market Wizards. Interviews with top traders. – New York institute of finance, 1989

Швагер Дж. Д. Биржевые маги. Интервью с топ-трейдерами. - М.: Диаграмма, 2004

Seeto B.C.W. The psychology of electronic trading. The power to trade. – John Wiley&Sons, Ltd.

Сито Б. Психология электронного трейдинга. Сила для торговли. - М.: Омега-Л, 2005

Soros G. The alchemy of finance. Reading the mind of the market. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 1994

Сорос Дж. Алхимия финансов. Рынок: как читать его мысли. - М.:Инфра-М, 1996

Soros G. The crisis og global capitalism. Open Society Engaged. – Public Affairs, N.W., 1998

Сорос Дж. Кризис мирового капитализма. Открытое общество в опасности. -М.: Инфра-М, 1999

Soros G., Wien B., Koenen K.  Soros on Soros. Staying ahead of the Curve. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 1995

Сорос Дж., Виен Б., Коэнен К. Сорос о Соросе. Опережая перемены. - М.: Инфра-М, 1996

Taleb N.N. Fooled by randomness. The hidden role of chance in the market and in life. – Texere N.Y. – London, 2001

Талеб Н.Н. Одураченные случайностью. Скрытая роль шанса на рынках и в жизни. - М.: Омега-Л, 2007

Teweles R.J.,  Jones F.J. The futures game. Who wins? Who loses? And why?- McGraw Hill, 1999

Tharp V.K., Barton D.R., Sjuggerud S. Safe strategies for financial freedom. – McGraw Hill, 2005

Тарп В. К., Бартон Д.Р., Сьюггеруд С. Биржевые стратегии игры без риска. - СПб.: Питер, 2008

Tharp V.K., June B. Financial freedom through electronic day trading. – McGraw Hill, 2001

Тарп В. К., Джун Б. Внутридневной трейдинг: секреты мастерства. - Альпина Паблишер, 2003

Tharp V.K. Trade your way to financial freedom. – McGraw Hill, 2007

Тарп В.К. Трейдинг - ваш путь к финансовой свободе. - СПб.: Питер, 2005

Tharp V.K.  Van Tharp’s definitive guide to position sizing. How to evaluate your system and use position sizing to meet your objectives. – The international Institute of Trading Mastery, Inc., 2008

Vince R. The new money management. A framework for asset allocation. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 1995

Винс Р. Новый подход к управлению капиталом. Структура распределения активов между различными инвестиционными инструментами. - М.: Евро, 2003

Williams B. Trading chaos. Applying expert techniques to maximize your profit. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 1995

Вильямс Б. Торговый хаос. М.:ИК "Аналитика", 2000

Williams L. Long-term secrets to short-term trading. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 1999

Вильямс Л. Долгосрочные секреты краткосрочной торговли. М.: Питер, 2009



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